was a busy month filled with a lot of activities. We went to Sea World with
Greg, Tina and Gwyn on the 4th and then to we went to Disney World
with them also a week later! Atom and Trillian did pretty well on those
outings. Atom is just starting to appreciate some of the characters and
activities in theme parks and Trillian was pretty happy as long as she was snug
in the sleepy wrap that I take with me everywhere these days.
Greg, Gwyn, Scott, and Atom try to figure out where to go next in Sea World |
Meeting Micky Mouse. Atom was excited about it in theory... |
At the very busy Magic Kingdom |
Atom reluctantly shares his snacks with Gwyn |
They look like twins! |
One of
the unfortunate trends I’ve noticed this month however, is that being in the
car does not soothe Trillian. If she’s not almost asleep when we start driving,
then she just cries the whole time. This has started to make traveling with her
very unpleasant for me and I kind of dread going anywhere right now. In
addition, I’m still not having much luck getting Trillian to sleep anywhere but
on me. She still spends most of the night snuggled in my arms and the same goes
for naps usually. I have found that she does sleep much better on her stomach,
but I’m too nervous to try that at night. I have been able to put her down that
way for naps occasionally though, which has been nice. There still isn’t much
of a nap pattern yet.
A rare nap in the bouncy chair |
Atom is still very sweet and cuddly with Trillian most of the time. |
Hugs! |
Atom teaches Trillian his thumb sucking skills! |
also had another transfusion this month on the 6th, which we think
may be her last one. Her labs have looked good ever since then, enough so that
her hematologist said we could wait a few weeks in between labs now, instead of
doing it every week. Fewer doctor’s visits makes me very happy! I’ve really had
enough of dealing with doctors and insurance and medical bills over these last
several months.
We had
a great time visiting with Scott’s family this month. Matt, Mara and Vincent flew
in from San Diego on the 16th and stayed overnight at our house that
evening. In preparation for that, I managed to clean out our office/guest room
(which had become a catchall room) so they would have an uncluttered place to
sleep and it looks great now! Having people over is always nice for it’s
ability to motivate me to clean stuff up! Scott’s parents and Kelly and Travis
all came over to our house on the 17th and we had a nice day hanging
out with them. Then on the 18th we went to Gainesville for a party
at Scott’s parent’s house. Atom had a blast playing with everyone.
Family brunch at our house |
Kelly with Trillian (photo taken by Atom) |
Atom with his Uncle Travis |
Trillian naps next to Daddy |
Setting up balloons for the party in Gainesville |
the end of the month everyone but me got sick. We might have caught it from
Matt, Mara, and Vincent since they were fighting colds while they were here. It
wasn’t bad, Atom just had a runny nose and a cough for a little while and Scott
was similarly congested. Trillian had the same symptoms, but for her it was
lasted a lot longer. As I’m writing this it’s about 10 days into March and
she’s still somewhat sniffley, especially after sleeping. Hopefully it will go
away altogether soon.
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