I'm too tired this month to write much... So here are some photos with slightly longer than normal captions:
On April 1st, Scott's parents came to visit and spent a long time outside in the hot sun helping us clean off our very overgrown and dirty patio. |
After they left, the patio was clean, but still very uneven, so I felt inspired to go ahead and take up most of the pavers and redo them to make the whole thing even and also extend it touch to edge of the house so there wouldn't be a weedy overgrown area there. This is a photo of it in progress. It is complete now, but I haven't taken a photo yet. |
Early this month, I took Atom and Trillian to see their pediatric hematologist for a yearly checkup. He said they both looked great! Trillian didn't need any bloodwork done since she had it taken pretty recently, but Atom had to have some blood drawn. This was the first time he's been old enough to understand what was going to happen, and he did great! He stayed very still and didn't even cry. Afterwards we went to the downstairs kids area of Arnold Palmer hospital and he had a lollipop and looked at all the Disney characters. |
My new stroller! I've had fun taking walks with them both around the neighborhood and on the bike trail to the playground. I've also started taking it with me when I go to playdates and it's very handy for that. They both fell asleep during this walk! |
Trillian in the red swing. She looks so big here! She has begun reaching and grabbing at everything these days and it's no longer safe to try to drink a cup of coffee while holding her... |
Atom in the blue swing. Scott has been steadily adding on to this swing set. It is now much more than just a swing set! More pictures to come next month. |
Cuddles! Atom is getting more and more interested in Trillian as she gets older and he's still very sweet to her. He tells me to "make her feel better" when she cries and he brings her toys and her pacifier sometimes. |
Now I have two guys to mow the lawn for me! |
This is (I think) a Cardamon ginger plant we have in the front of the house, which flowered for the first time this month! |
The Winter Garden splash pad is open again! Trillian tests the water. |
There has been a lot going on in downtown Winter Garden this month. It seems like every weekend there's another festival going on, as well as the very busy farmer's market we go to on Saturdays. I forget which one of those festivals this was taken at, but they had a bird of prey exhibit that Atom enjoyed seeing. |
This was earlier in the month before we set up Trillian's crib. Atom and Trillian, both napping in Mommy and Daddy's bed. |
Sometime mid-month we set up the crib for Trillian in what used to be our office. I've been slowly working on training her to sleep there instead of next to me or on me. I also started supplementing a little bit with formula this month both in hopes of getting her to sleep a little better and because she has still been hungry after nursing sometimes. Sleep still isn't very good though and most of the time I'm still only getting 2-3 hours at a time (and that's on a good night!), but hopefully things will start to get better soon. |
In other garden related news, I got my best miracle fruit harvest ever this month! Unfortunately I don't really have the time right now to figure out how to sell them, as I'd like to, so they are now all in the freezer. Maybe I can have a miracle fruit tasting party now! |
I didn't take the time to count them, but there were a LOT! |
I love reading your blog! Look at all your miracle fruit! Wow! That picture of Atom cuddling with Trillian is so cute. I really hope you start getting more sleep soon, it's so hard to function without it.